Saturday, October 19, 2013

DIY time!

My birthday was last night and was a lot of fun and relaxing. My wonderful friend Melissa took me to Denny's for nachos and then Starbucks for Pumpkin Spice lattes! :) Then after work Anth and I went to Red Lobster and had delicious biscuits, seafood, and I had an awesome berry mango daiquri! MMM...soo tasty! Next time you are at Red Lobster, get one! 

Anywho, I thought I'd share with you some of my DIY face masks. They are easy to do and you probably have the stuff laying around in your kitchen! 
First one is my Honey Cinnamon face mask. You do 2 tablespoons honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon and mix together(this is sticky but worth it plus tastes good!) Then apply all over your face and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. This blew my mind once I rinsed it off! I rinsed it off in sections with a warm washcloth and oh-em-gee! My skin felt super soft and any pimples I had were downsized and dried up! But it makes sense because honey is an anti-inflammatory and cinnamon is something like an anti-microbial? Not 100% sure on the cinnamon part, lol. But give this a try and your stubborn pimples with be going adios!

I also love doing an olive oil oatmeal mask. I use colloidal oatmeal which you use for baths. I use a few spoonfuls with a splash or two of olive oil, until it becomes thick and almost paste-like. I apply it all over and then leave it on for about 10 minutes. Then I use a hot wash cloth and rinse off. If you feel the need to you can apply a small amount of olive oil all over your face as a moisturizer-it works awesome!

For my hair I have recently discovered Pure Argan Oil from It's about $9 for a small bottle but you only need about 3-4 drops(that's for my thick curly hair you may use less) Apply it at bedtime and in the morning when you shower your hair will feel amazingly soft! You can try with olive oil as well and see how it works for your hair! Argan or Olive oil is also good for your nails and cuticles. Just rub it in on your fingers and tada your are on your way to lovely nails! 

I really enjoy making my own body scrub. I use brown sugar or white sugar-whatever is on hand, olive oil, and you can add a few drops of your favorite essential oil or some vanilla extract. I play with the sugar/oil ratio until it's a consistency I like. I put it in a Tupperware container and it lasts me for weeks! Start with a small amount since a little goes a long way! 

Anth and I Witch Hazel as a face toner and to help with acne. We saw it on Dr.Oz awhile back. It's soothing and works! Give it a try! 
Share with me your favorite DIY projects! Have a great weekend!

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